About Us
Backed by 25 years of dental hygiene practice, Gaias ("mother nature's") Recipes for Oral Care is our contribution to natural ingredients toothpastes, mouthwashes and oral sprays.
There is No fluoride, SLS, artificial colors, fillers, flavors or metals and is powered by absorbable Calcium called nano-hydroxyapetite ( NanoXIM).
Dental Education
OILS: Our teeth and tissues need moisture to ward off sticky bacterial layers called biofilm. SLS-free toothpastes containing natural oils, whose research shows help the fight against bacteria and fungal growth, are a better choice for your entire mouth.
MINERALS: Our mouths are where digestion begins and where Ph is constantly fluctuating. Ph drops and bacterial load increases cause the minerals in teeth and dentin to be dissolved and eroded. Replacing these minerals is crucial for dental health. Nano-hydroxyapetite (nanoXIM) is highly researched and shows excellent remineralization and desensitizing properties WITHOUT fluoride.
SENSITIVITY: Many of us live with teeth that are sensitive to cold and hot and are afraid to whiten for the sensitivity it causes. nanoXIM has been shown to be a safe, powerful and persistent warrior against dentinal sensitivity
HOLISTIC: Great natural oral care products treat the whole mouth adding much needed moisture, oils, remineralization, Ph management and safety WITHOUT adding fillers, flavors and foaming agents that we do not need.​
LOVE THE PLANET THAT LOVES US: Our products come in glass and recyclable plastic bottles, not tubes that wind up in landfills